20 Years Ago….Brian Lightle Began His Commercial Real Estate Company

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Brian L Lightle, CCIM, SIOR President | Broker

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On July 1, 1996, I sat on the floor of my newly leased executive suite on the sixth floor of One Harbor Placeassembling the Office Depot furniture that I had just purchased.

After 8 successful years in Commercial Real Estate, I had just amicably parted ways with my friend, mentor and partner Myles Wilkinson of Corporate Property Group to build my own commercial brokerage firm.

The early years of Brian L. Lightle, Inc. were interesting, to say the least! I installed my own listing signs (I still have my post hole diggers), I prospected like crazy and I spent many days sitting in the office by myself, thankful for the beautiful river views I enjoyed in my office, wondering… “What have I done?!”

Fortunately, I was blessed with great clients and community support which helped to quickly grow my business. I added first class team members   to the company who gave a  strong start to a 20 year run for what now is Team LBR.

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20 year anniversary After 28 plus years in the business, I am very thankful and proud to be part of the best team of Commercial Real Estate professionals in the industry. The intentional structure and pursuit of 3 specific disciplines (Office, Retail, and Industrial) and the specialized teams each focusing on only one discipline, not trying to be all things to all people, has proved to be the best model for our clients in helping them get what they want… performance.

The premise is simple, if you had a problem with your heart, wouldn’t you want the best heart specialist in your area?

We have greatly appreciated those who have trusted our Team of Specialists over the last 28 years and we look forward to serving your commercial real estate needs for another 28 years!


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